Stepping into Spring at Speck the Store

Yesterday the Speck team took over our store in Palo Alto, CA to host an exclusive Spring launch party with some of our favorite bloggers in the Bay Area. We got to show off some of our latest creations like the in-car ShowFolio that doubles as a convertible in-office tablet case, our first military-grade protective tablet case DuraFolio, a new way to brighten up your style with the fun and color graphics of CandyShell Inked (also available for Samsung Galaxy S5), and of course- our latest amplification case, CandyShell Amped.
Check out photos below from the event and sign up for our email list to stay tuned for upcoming launches! Swing yourself on by the Speck Store to get a hands-on look at these and more exciting cases at 212 Homer Ave Suite 100, Palo Alto, CA 94301.