Size matters when it comes to smartphone screens. Right?

Don't act surprised. Smartphone screens have been growing larger and larger over the years from the top mobile makers around the world, and this trend doesn't look like it's slowing down. PCWorld gives a few theories for this phenomenon in their article "Why smartphone screens are getting bigger: Specs reveal a surprising story."
Some of their major speculations include marketing gimmicks, more advanced technology, and changes lead by a handful of uber-successful devices. And the article's final scenario listed? The smartphone is turning into our primary computer.
No surprise here, either. Take for example Apple's latest announcement of their upcoming OS X Yosemite and iOS 8, which by and large does everything possible to completely sync your mobile and desktop lives. Soon (if not already), we'll be able to take our work, education, relationships, and entire lives everywhere we go- tucked in the back pocket of our jeans.
What do you think is next for Apple, and the new iPhone on the horizon? Let us know what you think.